
Recipes 1.5.0 Running on iOS 4.x/5.x

Hi everyone, unfortunately, the brand new 1.5.0 update contains a bug that crashes the app every time you try to open a recipe, author, drink, and so on on iOS 4.x and 5.x. A fix is already on its way … Read More

Recipes on AppStore Front Page

… granted, it’s only the “food and drinks” section AND it’s only in the Austrian AppStore, but Recipes is currently listed in the “What’s hot”-section!!! Missed Germany by one place (!) a couple of days ago… pretty damn cool… : … Read More

Totemo Prototype

Just uploaded a video of the new Totemo for iPhone/iPad prototype. While showing the guys and gals of Surprised Stare Games the current version of Streetsoccer, Tony – the author of Totemo – suggested that the mixed 2D/3D camera control … Read More

Recipes 1.4.0 and 1.5.0

Hi everyone, first post in a while and first Recipes update in a while, too : ) . As already mentioned in another post, the introduction of iClouds had changed some rules on what Apple permits when submitting updates. Although … Read More

iOS 6 or the Price of Progress

Just downloaded XCode 4.5 and migrated Streetsoccer to support iOS6 and the new, longer iPhone 5 screen. This was necessary as Apple only allows app submissions built with the latest development environment which as a developer I can totally understand. … Read More

Streetsoccer Database and Statistics

Hi everyone, long time no post, I know … as always, it’s been a mixture of ambitious feature development and live simply getting in the way of ambitious feature development. For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been implementing and … Read More

How To Code a Strong AI for an iOS Boardgame

One of the most daunting tasks when developing a computer version of a boardgame is creating a good computer opponent. Granted, with the advent of mobile devices and MMOs, it has become more important to connect users with each other … Read More

Streetsoccer Play-By-Mail – Manual Move Entry

I’m just playing a game of StreetSoccer against Corne Van Moorsel, the author of the StreetSoccer. We’re testing a new feature that allows one to play against people that don’t own the app (yet 🙂 ). Basically I do my … Read More

Xcode Bash Script for On-Demand PVR Texture Encoding

Do you know those tiny little things that always annoy you – for a reeaaaallly long time – but you never get around to fix them? For me, one of those things was the custom build phase step to convert … Read More

Stylish UILabel

Stylish UITextField & UILabel with Gradients and Drop Shadows

As promised in another post, here are some recent findings on achieving stylish text rendering on iOS: If you’re anything like me, you’re doing design mockups in Adobe Photoshop first, put different elements into PNGs and then code the UI … Read More