
Website redesign

As you probably have noticed, this website has changed a lot. I’ve moved away from hand crafted HTML + Tumbler blog to using WordPress now. This allows for a better structure, improved design and should make it easier to post content in the future. It’s also a good occasion for a general status update:

  • Recipes: My Favorite Recipes automatically dropped out of the AppStore with the introduction of iOS 11 which requires 64bit. As you may or may not know, the app has been around for a long time. To be precise, it had it’s origins in the iOS 2 area which was the first iOS version one could develop apps for! During almost decade, a lot of things change and the way apps are build today is completely different then back then. Things like multi-tasking, storyboards or auto-layout UIs did not exist. So it isn’t easy to bring such an old app up to iOS 11 but I’ve started the process – which is the main reason for this website revamp. I’ll post more on this soon…
  • I’ve converted all the old blog entries but split all content concerning my 3D Modeler project to a separate site. It can now be found at https://metashapes.com. This has been my primary focus over the last couple of years which is also the reason why there was little activity on this site.
  • Streetsoccer has been removed from the AppStore for a while now. While I still get occasional requests to bring it back, the license agreement I had with Cwali (the publisher of the original boardgames) has expired and so unfortunately there is no chance to get it up and running again.
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StreetSoccer V1.1.0 – German Localization and Movement Area

StreetSoccer V1.1.0 is now heading for Apple review. This again brings a bunch of bugfixes as well as two new features:

  1. German Localization
  2. Movement Area Visualization

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Streetsoccer in the News

Exciting times! Essen game convention has just started and Streetsoccer is in the news on a couple of sites:

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Streetsoccer Coding Complete

After 2 ½ years, coding on Streetsoccer is finally complete. Well, truth be told, I still have to add something to handle potential support cases tomorrow but basically the game itself is done! I’ve just re-checked the repository: The very first commit for Streetsoccer was done on Dec 25, 2010. Before then I had worked on Monkey Dash and used a lot of that code as a basis for Streetsoccer. So all in all let’s call it three years of spare time coding, testing, trying to find artists to help … all interrupted by a few things like day jobs, relationships and other things that were simply more important… : )

The game has gained a tremendous level of polish in the last couple of weeks.

  • After a match, there are now some basic statistics and a direct way to have a re-match or re-watch the game.
  • There are two new, easier AI characters: one that plays like a novice player and one that plays completely defensive (it even get’s challenging to reach the ball at all).
  • Finally some background music!
  • The jersey generator mentioned in previous posts
  • Better 3D camera controls (one-finger dragging)
  • Skip button for the intro camera-flight
  • New, more obvious undo-all button is shown next to the confirm button when a turn is complete
  • Better lighting of the 3D models
  • Lots of bug-fixes

I’m not sure how much work on the in-game 3D assets will be done before submitting the app. Probably a lot has to happen with the first update just to finally get the app out!

The plan is to send new test builds to beta testers later today, paint the missing AI character images and then call it quits … for now! I’ve already got like 70 tickets full of ideas and improvements for future updates.

Stay tuned…

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