Exciting times! Essen game convention has just started and Streetsoccer is in the news on a couple of sites:
- AppStore: It’s featured in the “New” and “All iPad Apps” sections of the board games category.
- PocketTactics: Owen was kind enough to do a short announcementbefore heading of to his well deserved vacation and apparently David Neumann of BGG fame is going to review it soon
- Speaking of David, he was kind enough to mention Streetsoccer in his Boardgamegeek iOS News
- Guillaume of jeuxadeux is also going to write a review I’m very excited to read.
While there are no official reviews yet, the general reception by users has been great! Unfortunately, they have already found a couple of bugs, the most problematic one causing problems in turn-based Game Center sessions. Other bugs include the AI doing illegal moves, to being able to rename player pieces and more… it once again proves that you can test as much as you want, there will always be bugs! I hope to push out an update later this week to solve those issues.
In other news, if all goes well, our friends from DICE+ will use Streetsoccer as one of the games to demo DICE+ at Essen game fair. I quickly visited their booth today which cannot be missed because there is a 2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5m version of a DICE+ hanging right over it!
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